Cardamom Extract

Cardamom Extract
Our richly fragrant Cardamom Extract is a beautiful take on the traditional extract, made with our cardamom seeds from Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. This extract can be swapped 1:1 for vanilla extract. It's excellent in baked goods, drinks, puddings, coffee and anywhere your customers want a splash of tropical cardamom flavor. They can add a botanical burst to a favorite martini, or make a refreshing, citrusy cocktail, with or without alcohol. This extract is a slow-crafted custom blend made in collaboration with Bittercube. They expertly infuse our cardamom seeds in alcohol to make a deeply flavorful, versatile extract. Cooking Tips: Sub 1:1 for vanilla extract in baked goods, puddings and ice cream Use a few drops in a gin or vodka cocktail Liven up a glass of sparkling water or a cup of coffee
Ingredients: Alcohol, water, cardamom seeds
• Weight: 5 oz (141.75 g)